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ComPort Overview

ComPort for HQMS is a communications portal that allows your customers, clients, suppliers, and business partners to interact directly with HQMS and have a hands-on experience in the resolution of any problem they may have. You can use ComPort to receive technical support requests, customer complaints, supplier issues, or all of the above. By using one simple interface for any and all record introductions by outside sources, you save time and complexity.

External Interface

By providing an external interface separate from your quality management system, there is no unauthorized access into your system, but still provides a large amount of functionality to outside contributors.

Secure Access Control

ComPort allows you to let anyone introduce issues in your quality system without compromising security and allows you to handle problems as transparently as you wish. Show the creator every step taken to resolve the issue, or show only that the issue has been addressed. Your organization decides how much or little contributors get to know through ComPort.

Seamless Integration

ComPort presents a seamless connection between your quality management system and the outside world. Once configured, ComPort needs no on-going work to maintain it.

Live Internal Record

ComPort creates a live record in HQMS and automatically assigns the record to the appropriate person to be addressed.

Data Entry Verification

With ComPort, you can enable CAPTCHA. CAPTCHA is a method of verifying that data being entered is in fact being entered by a person, and not being generated by a computer. Prior to submission, an image of distorted letters appears. The outside contributor must type the letters or numbers as presented before the record can be submitted.
